APRIL 2018 - LANDMARK OPENING: Now open year-round with the addition of a NEW indoor air-conditioned laser-tag arena!
Roadside view of the park. Makes no sense why so many drive right by the big billbord and "never see the park!" (We get calls almost daily after people drove too far and have to backtrack lol.)
You can't drive go-karts in the snow, but you can play laser-tag in the big building year-round!
Spring 2018: Arena construction nearing completion.
The 7+ ft. dog at the entrance...
Blame it on these two. (It was their idea.)
Our miniature-golf course was added back in 2004.
We've been told our golf course is one of the best playing courses in New-England!
Our 7 ft. tall dog mascot at the entrance. The front paw represents the minimum height required to drive a go-kart!
This is what the track looked like theday we first opened back in June, 2002!